EMPOWER: how to build a support system that lasts

4 min readJul 6, 2021

We Rise by Lifting Others

What it means to EMPOWER?

It’s true what they say, Empowered Women Empower Women. It makes perfect sense. What you are is how you make other people feel.

To empower means to make someone feel stronger and more confident to walk into the life of his or her dreams. To empower means to give someone the power to walk in his or her rights by supporting his or her ambition. We are diverse beings with a multitude of skill sets and assets with the ability to afford others the opportunities once afforded to us. Empowering is one of the best gifts we can give another individual. When we give others the liberty to be their most authentic self they can show up as powerful self-assured individuals that can then use the power granted to them to empower others.

Things we already know but need to be reminded (of constantly).

Women in Technology International (WITI) is a company founded with the intent to help women in STEM advance by providing access to — and support from — other professional women working in all sectors of technology. This company seeks to uplift all women, inspire future generations, by encouraging inclusivity of all people groups and cultures. WITI strives to empower both men and women by making men part of the solution for gender equality.

At its core and foundation, WITI was established and continues to thrive because of its ability to empower women.

  1. One woman’s success is success for us all.

Her moving forward, her getting the promotion, her opening doors for other women to follow by being the first in a corporation or industry to have a managerial position is an accomplishment for us all.

Competing with other women does not lead to our advancement.

So, in a world that tells us that all women must compete with one another to get ahead, this is a safe space for all women to not only support other women in their ambitious career pursuits but for us to individually advance in our own STEM-related passions with an encouraging community behind, beside, in front of, and alongside us.

With this being said any woman that is unable to celebrate another woman is dangerous and must be watched with extreme caution.

2. Your community matters.

We’ve been told from a young age that who we surround ourselves with and lean on has a direct influence on our life trajectory. While we can work hard to deny that reality as truth it has been revealed time and time again that those closest to us are a direct reflection of where we are currently or where we are headed/will inevitably end up.

So, be wise about who you hold close. Those who you thought supported you and then showed their true colors, their real motive. Remember your community, the right community for you, will find you. And the good news is EMPOWER wants to be that for you!


So welcome to EMPOWER, a newsletter brought to you by Women in Technology International (WITI). A newsletter that seeks to uplift all women and inspire future generations to continually pursue STEM careers. This newsletter can serve as the support system you need. Individually we are all capable, beautiful, and intellectually gifted individuals, but with the addition of a strong, reliable support system we become unstoppable, unified forces to be reckoned with. And this makes all the difference.

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